Artificial academy 2 enlgish full download

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If you need some extra motivation maybe a 'lewd promise' will help. Form friendships and even romances between teacher and student but be careful not to get caught doing anything naughty, or risk getting the teacher fired.Įnjoy shorter school days on Saturday, and have some fun or go on a date with a classmate on Sunday.ĪA2 brings a total of 61 possible opinion statuses between characters and up to 4 can be in effect at any given time.Įro play (H play, or simply H) contains new features like H compatibility, pregnancy risk and condoms, private rooms where the player can't be disturbed and even three-way and forced H. Select a character to play as the class teacher.

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Make friends, enemies, rivals and lovers as the class competes for achievement in academics, athletics, popularity and romance. Play the same or a different character each day and shape your academy adventure. HF Patch - No Plugin - Illusion - Artificial Academy 2Īrtificial Academy 2 (ジンコウガクエン2, Jinkou Gakuen 2) is an eroge high school social simulation, sequel of Artificial Academy and released by Illusion on June 13, 2014.Ĭreate and play any of up to 25 students of varying gender, orientation, social complexities and personal inclinations.

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